Eco-friendly alternatives to grass
Environmentally-Conscious Landscaping
Spending more time outdoors often also means investing lots of time, energy, and money, into lawn care. Large expanses of grass may make for pleasant-looking lawns, but they require a huge amount of water, fertilizer, and mowing, to maintain. This leads to water waste and synthetic fertilizer runoff from grass care as well as large amounts of CO2 emissions from lawnmowers.
Thankfully, if you’re looking to help the environment while still maintaining a beautiful yard, there are many Eco-friendly alternatives to grass. Plants like clover, mint, and native wildflowers, require less water and no mowing. Landscaping design consisting of gravel and mulch don’t require much maintenance at all. With some care and creativity, these options can be just as visually appealing as a grass lawn (or more appealing - think flower beds and stone paths).
Below are several lawn alternative ideas, including ground covers, native plants, and landscaping materials, that can help you cut down on water waste and energy consumption at home.
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