14 Tips to Save Energy at Home
Below are several energy-saving ideas that can be implemented in households, that also save money by reducing energy consumption. There are many cost-effective ways to invest in energy efficiency upgrades.
If you’re looking for ways to be green at home, start by looking at your energy use. Here are 14 readily accessible tips on improving home energy efficiency, followed by tips on sustainable living.
Energy Saving Ideas
- - Install double-pane windows in your home
- Use CFL or LED light bulbs
- - Use Energy Star-labeled equipment
- - Turn off all home and office equipment when not in use...
- - ...and use power strips for your electricity needs; consider a smart power strip
- - Turn off lights when not in use
- - Turn down the thermostat - lowering it by just one degree can reduce heating energy costs significantly...
- - ...and consider a smart thermostat
- Consider adding solar panels to your rooftop or on your property...
- - ...or participating in a community solar program
- - Avoid phantom loads (electrical equipment that still uses energy even after being turned off) by using a power strip
- - Reduce your water heater temperature
- - Consider a Home Energy Management system
- - Weatherize and upgrade the insulation in your residence
Ideas for a Greener Lifestyle
- Reduce, reuse, recycle
- - Bring reusable shopping bags with you to the grocery store or farmers market
- - Support your local farmers and buy seasonal farmed foods and produce
- Instead of a car that relies on conventional gasoline, consider a hybrid or plug-in hybrid, or an all-electric vehicle
- - Use eco-friendly cleaning supplies
- - Favor cloth over paper products
- - Choose organic lawn and garden care - stop using chemical pesticides and synthetic fertilizers
- - Use biodegradable detergent and oxygen bleach
- - Consider getting in the daily habit of using reusable mugs, thermoses, sports bottles, etc…
- - Install low-flow toilets