Going Green on the Green: Tips for Eco-Friendly Golf
By Beth Rush
Playing golf is an excellent way to make new contacts, network, and promote business and causes with like-minded colleagues, so mentioning sustainability during a round makes perfect sense. Spending your day on a golf course that practices eco-friendliness is ideal for people who care about the environment.
How to Make Golf Courses More Sustainable
An eco-friendly golf course has owners and managers who play a huge role. They’re involved in the grass and other vegetation used, water consumption, and the energy efficiency of the on-course equipment, the 19th hole, and other club facilities. Players are also involved in ensuring the upkeep and treatment of the course and its amenities remain sustainable.
1. Course Soil, Grass and Vegetation
If somebody mentions a golf course, what is the first thought that comes to mind? The grass is likely in your top three thoughts — with good reason. When you watch a PGA tournament, the prominent color you see is lush and vibrant green. While grass is essential to a golf course, the soil beneath it and its other vegetation all factor into its sustainability.
A golf course’s soil determines how good its drainage is. If you find sandy soil on the course other than in its bunkers, its drainage likely allows for better underground water distribution than clay-based dirt. Sand distributes water evenly, allowing more aeration and better drainage to grow healthier grass roots. It won’t retain water like clay, so you’ll irrigate more regularly, but the frequent and effective irrigation cycles will need less water.
While bunkers need sand to maintain adequate drainage, mixing sand, clay, and silt to create fairway, tee box, and putting green topsoil is the most effective way to enrich the grass, save water, and encourage nutrient and microbial growth. Adding a small amount of compost improves nutrient levels without hampering drainage. Mixture ratios vary based on the climate, with tee boxes and green surfaces likely requiring denser and more specialized soil formulation.
The type of grasses found on a golf course indicates the sustainability considerations the ownership incorporates. Climate is again a factor in which grasses offer the most environmental friendliness. If you’re planning a golf tournament, consider how course designs and maintenance contribute to making your event successful. Using a high-quality course in exquisite surroundings provides a fun challenge to participants.
Part of a high-quality golf course involves the types of grass utilized on the playing surface. Bermuda and Zoysia grass are two good grass options for warm climates as they thrive in hotter conditions. They won’t grow much in cooler areas and are more drought-resistant than other types. Bentgrass and Kentucky bluegrass are among the variants that prosper in cooler climates with colder winter temperatures.
Hardy, drought-resilient grasses require less water, making them perfect for sustainable golf courses as they require less irrigation. It’s best to try multiple options to see which types perform best in your climate.
Other Vegetation
Flora native to the area best suits a golf course’s vegetation sustainability. They flourish naturally with less water, fertilizer, and pesticides while providing a natural habitat for all types of local wildlife.
2. Water
Water conservation is essential on a golf course. With such a large area involved, being as frugal as necessary with water while maintaining the course’s condition is a major task for eco-friendly golf course managers. Irrigation planning and systems using sustainable water sources support the invested time, effort, and expense of laying the correct soil and grass.
Smart sprinkler systems make a golf course more sustainable as you can easily improve water efficiency through technology. These irrigation methods schedule designated watering times and adjust them by analyzing soil moisture content, rainfall patterns, humidity, and temperature to devise optimal irrigation needs. An additional cost is involved, so using an existing workforce to water the course may suit some golf club owners more.
Manual irrigation can still drive sustainability on a golf course with the right tools and equipment. Hand-held soil moisture sensors, efficient sprinkler zoning, accurate cycling, and optimization of irrigation sprinkler heads and pipe sizes can substantially reduce water consumption. Paying close attention to weather reports and meeting your course’s water usage makes the facility more sustainable.
Sustainable Water Sourcing
Golf course management focused on sustainability often utilizes natural water resources for irrigation and other needs. On-site treatment technologies for reusing water are more common, and storage ponds that double as water hazards and features are common. As part of a general golfing infrastructure, these recycling and reuse initiatives help reduce golf courses’ ecological impact.
3. Facilities
Playing golf is more than being out on the course; it is more involved than a simple jaunt on the greens. Golfing is a longer sport, with 18 holes stretching to about four hours of play. Thus, facilities like eateries and lounges are “par for the course” at a typical course.
The lunchtime treats at the halfway house, and the camaraderie experienced in the clubhouse bar after a round is as much a part of the experience as hitting a drive 280 yards down the fairway or sinking a 30-foot putt. In the same way, the club’s facilities beyond the course contribute to golfing sustainability as much as the irrigation and makeup of the playing surface.
Water and Energy-Efficiency
The lighting and heating inside the clubhouse form part of creating an eco-friendly environment.
Golf club management can install low-flow showerheads and flushing mechanisms in the bathrooms and use outside water tanks to save water. They can utilize LED lighting and Energy Star-certified kitchen and heating equipment for increased energy efficiency in clubhouses. Owners can also incorporate solar panels, provide electric-powered golf carts, and install EV chargers in the parking area for member use.
Waste Reduction
Does the golfing venue provide refreshments in reusable plastic with paper straws when you enjoy your mid-round break? Does it serve your food in biodegradable packaging? Are there recycling containers available to dispose of your refuse? These considerations contribute to overall golfing sustainability. Tournament organizers can offer digital tickets to minimize paper waste further.
Local Suppliers
A golf venue that works with local food suppliers and growers to use locally produced meat and seasonal vegetables supports the community economy. It also reduces the environmental impact of excess transportation from other areas. Club management can encourage tournament funders to source their prizes from businesses in the area and choose sustainable golfing accessories from them.
4. Player Initiatives
While golf venues do their part to promote eco-friendliness, golfers also play an essential role in making the game greener—from equipment, accessories, and clothing to their travel to and from the course.
Sustainable Golf Gear
You can now buy biodegradable golf balls that dissolve in a water hazard after an errant shot. Some manufacturers are experimenting with eco-friendly golf club designs and using recycled metals for shafts that align with their sustainable company initiatives.
Environmentally friendly bamboo tees are already on the market to replace plastic ones, and manufacturers now produce golf bags, towels, and apparel using sustainable materials. When looking for new gear, you should research brands and suppliers that support sustainable golf products.
Eco-Friendly Practices
When you upgrade, carefully consider what to do with unneeded clubs and other equipment. Donating or selling your old golfing gear is better than tossing it out. It could end up in a landfill, creating methane and other hazardous greenhouse gases, so you’ll benefit the environment and help someone in need.
When traveling to play a round of golf, use public transport or carpool with your buddies to reduce the harmful carbon emissions that commuting causes. Use reusable plastic containers for on-course refreshments and refill at water points around the course. Don’t litter — ensure you place used food wrappers in your bag and dispose of them at the recycling points at the halfway house, in the clubhouse after your round or when you arrive home.
Eco-Friendly Golf Is More Satisfying Golf
No matter how you play, doing so in a relaxed and sustainable environment is healthy for your mindset and the environment. Choosing a sustainable golfing venue shows your support for the planet and encourages others to follow suit.
Don’t forget to point out the visible eco-friendly practices and their benefits to your playing partners and those you network with at the clubhouse after the round. Awareness is a large part of going green on the golf course.
About the author: Beth Rush is the green wellness editor at Body+Mind, where she covers topics like the power of climate consciousness at all stages of education. You can find Beth on Twitter @bodymindmag. Subscribe to Body+Mind for more posts by Beth!