Be Sustainable With Your Shopping

How to Be Sustainable With Your Shopping Habits


With the rise in fast fashion, designer fakes, and mass-produced goods, it’s easy to start thinking the most important consideration when buying something is its price tag.

However, you’ll often find that the quality of such items is lower, meaning you end up spending more in the long run, whilst simultaneously creating more waste and contributing to climate change.

If all this sounds doom and gloom, don’t worry! Here are some top tips on how to be more sustainable in your shopping habits.

Know What You Have

It sounds simple but how many of us discover we own things we’d forgotten about? Whether it’s a jumper at the back of a wardrobe, a pair of shoes under the bed or a piece of furniture relegated to the loft. Knowing what you own already is the first step to shopping more sustainably because it prevents needless shopping trips.

It’s all too easy to go into a store and splash out on an item when you think you need something but if you’re aware of what you own, you might discover that you already have something you could use instead of going out and buying something new.

Quality Over Quantity

To avoid feeding into the fast-fashion cycle, opt for clothes that are well-made and will last longer. Avoid shopping for the sake of keeping up with trends and instead be led by what suits you and what you could see yourself wearing for months or even years to come.

The same applies to furniture. It’s easy to get swept up by the latest home interior trends but if you opt for high-quality, sturdy pieces, these will look good alongside any colour scheme or décor. Be smart about purchases you make for your home and rather than cheap storage units with a short lifespan opt for clever storage that will last.

Minimize Your Shopping Window

Shopping is often seen as an activity in itself, whether or not you actually need to buy something but this can often lead to impulse purchases that you don’t need and might not use. Rather than spending all day trawling the shops or all evening browsing online, set a time limit on your shopping spree. Either set a timer to put your laptop away or arrange to meet a friend for coffee, so you’re not tempted to get your wallet out just for the sake of it.

Shop Local

Buy local as often as you can and when it comes to food, where possible, choose products that are in season. Not only will this be fresher and taste better but in-season food also requires less energy to grow and fewer preservatives to keep it fresh before it arrives on your plate.

The same applies to clothes shopping, too. Try to buy from independent stores with a commitment to sustainability and quality. The less your food or clothes have to travel to get to you, the better for the planet it is. Plus, you’ll be boosting your local economy and supporting your community!

Minimize Waste

Don’t buy more food than you need as this typically means it will only get thrown away. If you can, try to freeze or reuse leftovers to cut down on food waste and save money. Where possible, you should avoid overly packaged items and steer clear of single-use items containing plastics that can’t be recycled.