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Modern Sustainable Waste Management Technologies

5 Ways for Smart Cities to Implement Sustainable Waste Management | Article by Jane Marsh | Cities worldwide are implementing zero-waste strategies. Countless places worldwide are using advances in technology to help keep their cities clean. As cities test new waste management ideas, they learn what does and does not work...

Profiles in Sustainable Cities – San Diego, California

Sustainable cities, like San Diego, have eco-city designs that prioritize the consideration of social, economic, and environmental impacts of climate mitigation policies and sustainability policies. Green cities also prioritize resilient, thriving urban habitats for existing residents. Among the top of any list of these clean, green eco-cities is San Diego, California...

Offshore Wind Farms in the United States | Block Island Leads the Way

Block Island Wind | US Offshore Wind First of many US offshore wind farms       The 1st operational offshore wind farm in the U.S....

Clean Energy Jobs are UP, and RE Cost is down

The Shining Future of the Green Economy | Clean Energy JOBS | The future of employment in the energy sector is in energy efficiency, clean energy, and renewable energy. Employment in the clean energy sector features, first and foremost, jobs in energy efficiency...

Using Technology to Provide Clean Water to Cities

Clean Water Technologies How Technology Can Help Cities Avoid Another Flint Water Crisis | Article by Jane Marsh | Many engineers and scientists evaluate the Flint Water Crisis while designing their water purification technologies...

Bhadla Solar Park, Kamuthi, and the World’s Largest Solar Farms

What are the World's Largest Solar Projects? Featuring over 2.5 million individual solar PV modules, and on 2,500 acres, the Kamuthi Solar Power Project supplies...

12+ Ways You Can Help The Environment

Lower your carbon footprint, save energy, and help the environment. Here are over 12 actions for sustainable individuals: use Energy Star appliances...

Microgrids Spread Across Africa

Microgrids - Energy Solution Developing Microgrids |  As African nations push for rural electrification, many look to microgrids as a sustainable solution to the energy poverty...

Climate Solution – Sustainable Agriculture

Benefits of Sustainable Agriculture | Sustainable ag. turns farms into thriving biodiverse lands that produce food crops, in addition to using plants that increase farms' biodiversity. The increase in plant life on the farm sequesters atmospheric carbon and maintains healthy ecosystems.

Clean Hydrogen

Hydrogen and the Clean Energy Transition | Hydrogen created with clean energy is one of the most promising emerging energy technological developments to fill the rising global demand for clean low carbon and emission-free energy sources...

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