Sustainability | Renewable Energy


Sustainability News

Desalination: Global Clean Water Solution

Desalination potentially represents a significant solution to supplying the world with clean water; depending on how widespread the technology can become in the future.

Putting a Price on Carbon; Carbon Offsets

Carbon Markets | The primary function of carbon pricing is to lower greenhouse gas emissions, mitigate climate change, and therefore benefit all of humanity...


Deforestation and solutions; including reforestation | Deforestation of our planet, for centuries, has led to issues such as - loss of wildlife habitat; as well...


UN Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC) - Conference of the Parties |  World leaders, dignitaries, and diplomats, from almost 200 nations (known as member...

Carbon Tax – An Essential Levy on Pollution

Defining effective carbon taxes |  A carbon tax is a levy in countries and regions placed on: fossil fuel power plants, oil refineries, and/or industries...

Decoupling and Divestment to Reach Sustainability; ESG

Economic Growth Without Environmental Impact | Decoupling, in eco-environmental terms, can be defined as economic growth without creating corresponding environmental impacts. With the global divestment movement towards sustainability and away from fossil fuels - industries and corporations are able to develop economically, while still reducing their carbon footprint...

ISEGS – A Shining Example of Concentrated Solar Power (CSP) in California

Ivanpah Solar Electrical Generating System (ISEGS)   ISEGS is a 392 MW solar concentrated solar power (CSP) plant; with three separate solar power towers. CSP is a form of solar...

Car-sharing and Ride-hailing

Sustainable Commuting |  Many ride-sharing fleets are converting to electric cars. Car-sharing (a.k.a. ride-sharing) services provide an opportunity to reduce emissions from cars, reduce congestion...

California – Current Progress of a Climate Champion

California - A Climate Leader Learning From California's Struggle to Balance Decarbonization With Energy Resilience |  Since California passed the Global Warming Solutions Act of 2006,...

A Close Look at San Diego’s HERO Program

San Diego: GREEN Buildings San Diego, Green Buildings, HERO Program |  The importance of green energy for use in homes and businesses is becoming more and...

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