Combining Your Love for Animals with the Need for Sustainability
For animal lovers everywhere, if you watch an advert for a charity focused on raising money for endangered species or a harrowing documentary on animal abuse, you have to either switch channels or leave the room.
If you’re interested in, or indeed feel compelled to combine your love for animals with the impetus to positively contribute to the world’s sustainability drive, then you’ve most definitely clicked on the right article.
Consume More Plant-Based Foods
First and foremost, contrary to what some devoted vegans may say, it’s more than possible for you to be one of the world’s biggest lover of animals and still eat meat.
However, the fewer dairy and meat products that you and the rest of your family consume weekly, the better for the environment, not to mention all of the animals used for human consumption.
Instead, look to switch to plant-based foods for at least some of your evening meals. Even this small and effortless change will serve to have a larger positive impact on sustainability than you may think possible. Even if it is hard at first, you’ll find the best way eventually to add more plant-based food to your diet.
With Your Own Animals
Unless you’re someone who, due to professional commitments and a packed daily schedule, simply isn’t home enough to justify bringing an animal of any description into your life and home, as an animal lover, you more than likely have animals yourself.
There are many ways to be a more sustainable animal owner, such as buying large bales of hay from your local farm shop to feed your rabbits rather than plastic-wrapped smaller (and more expensive) hay from supermarkets to ensuring that you never use chemical ingredients in shampoos for dogs.
Animal Adoption
Perhaps the easiest way to make a positive difference to an endangered species, wildlife, and the natural environment as a whole is to look into digitally adopting an animal.
Adopt an animal and support and help fund the invaluable and influential work that animal charities do each and every day to protect endangered species. Digital adoption provides a multitude of benefits, such as the simple fact that there’s no paperwork and packaging and the money saved will result in more funds going to support the charity.
Donate Your Clothes to Animal Charities
Many animal charities, even those leading and more publicized ones that many people naturally assume are receiving endless monetary donations from the government and private companies alike, heavily rely on donations from members of the public to keep going.
Now, monthly monetary donations of whatever amount you can afford to your favorite animal charity are, of course, greatly appreciated and can often make the difference between a group of animals being given the medical treatment and specialist care they need and not.
However, another way that you can help animal charities, specifically those in your local area, is by donating your unused, older, and unwanted clothing and accessories. This will also have the dual benefit of helping to keep your home and your wardrobe clutter-free.