Sustainable Food Waste Disposal

How to Dispose of Food Waste Safely When Cooking For One

By Beth Rush


Food is a central part of life. Whether you love to whip up a four-course spread or cook to hit your macros, you’ve probably dealt with food waste before. Managing your food waste to live more sustainably is essential regardless of your food preferences. 

It’s estimated that 30% to 40% of America’s food supply is wasted annually. You can minimize your environmental footprint with the right strategies, contributing to a healthier planet. Even when you’re cooking for one, you can use these habits to handle food waste safely and sustainably.

1. Plan Ahead

Effective meal planning is your first line of defense against food waste. Too often, we overbuy and end up throwing out expired food that we couldn’t eat in time. 

Start your sustainable food management plan by writing down a realistic menu weekly. Create a shopping list that reflects how much you actually eat and what nutrients you need. Consider going to the store twice a week to buy foods that quickly expire, like berries. Buying only what you need for your set menu cuts down on expired foods and gives you fresher meals.

You should also invest in food storage. Put your perishable dairy and meats in the coldest parts of the refrigerator to keep them from spoiling. Invest in airtight containers for leftovers. Proper storage can make your leftovers last three to four days in the fridge. The better your food storage, the slower your food will go bad.

2. Compost Waste

Composting is a great way to reduce your food waste safely. Every year, America’s food waste emits as much carbon dioxide as 42 coal-fired power plants. Composting can help take your food scraps and turn them into nutrient-rich soil. It cuts down on emissions and gives back to nature. If you want to know how to dispose of food waste safely, you need to get into composting.

Typically, landfill food is all mixed together, creating huge waste piles that emit methane and attract pests. Composting takes organic waste and decomposes it into soil, which you can use for gardening. Microorganisms thrive in the organic waste piles, eating the scraps and turning them into brown, crumbly soil that’s perfect for feeding the earth.

Here’s a quick-start guide to safe at-home composting:

> Separate food scraps: Split your food scraps into organic materials and everything else. Avoid putting meats, dairy, and oils into your compost since they can attract pests. Instead, put organic materials like fruit peels, coffee grounds, and vegetable trimmings in your compost.

> Use a compost bin: Once you have a nice compost collection, take it outside to a backyard compost bin or pile. Choose a dry, shady spot near a water source. Try to get an equal mix of fruit and vegetable scraps and things like dry leaves or paper. This balance feeds the microorganisms more effectively.

> Turn your compost pile: Compost piles need regular turning to mix more oxygen into the environment. This accelerates decomposition and prevents foul odors. 

> Check moisture levels: Finally, check your compost pile’s moisture level. It should be moist but not waterlogged. Add water when it’s too dry and more leaves and paper if it gets too wet. 

3. Get Creative

Compositing is easy if you live in a house, but what about people living in apartments? Apartments are smaller, with limited exterior space. Here are some tips for how to dispose of food waste in an apartment:

Make New Foods

Repurpose your food waste into new products. Herb stems, vegetable peels and leftover bones can be simmered into broth. Your overripe bananas can become banana bread or smoothies. Reusing scraps cuts down on waste while stretching your food products further.

Grow Vegetables

You can regrow vegetables from scraps if you have a porch or windowsill. Foods like green onions, celery, and lettuce can all sprout new growth when replanted in dirt or a little water dish. Throw coffee grounds and cleaned eggshells into your soil to fertilize it.

Preserve Food

Start preserving your food before it goes bad to minimize waste. Freeze your leftovers to avoid food poisoning. Your leftovers will last three to four months in the freezer, extending your food’s life. 

Beyond freezing, you can pickle vegetables or make jams to cut down on other waste. Use vinegar to pickle cucumbers, carrots, onions and peppers. Overripe fruits can become tasty jams to spread on breakfast or dessert. By thinking outside the box, you can safely maximize your grocery value.

4. Use Food Collection Programs

If composting or preserving food waste isn’t an option for you, consider using a food waste collection program. Many cities offer curbside services for your food scraps and organic waste. These programs collect food before it hits landfills, turning it into compost for agriculture and landscaping. Check your local waste management website to see if your area has collection programs.

5. Small Actions, Big Impact

Safe food waste disposal and sustainable shopping is easier than you think. Even one person’s compost and waste reduction can impact greenhouse gas emissions and landfill waste. The more we all work together, the healthier we can make our planet. Start with one or two simple changes, and soon, you’ll have habits that make a real difference.

About the author: Beth Rush is the green wellness editor at Body+Mind, where she covers topics like the power of climate consciousness at all stages of education. You can find Beth on Twitter @bodymindmag. Subscribe to Body+Mind for more posts by Beth!


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